A note from our Pastor...

Hello Imani Family,

 After an unprecedented turnout, where Americans exercised their sacred duty to vote, we must wait patiently until all votes are counted. All votes must be counted. Our faith community has done our part, and now we must watch as God does God’s work. Let us be still and know that the Lord is fighting our battle for us. We have done our part. Now we must get out of the way and watch God work. The forces of evil are powerful, but our faith teaches us that ultimately there is a just God who is still in control.

I am grateful for the powerful work that our Social Justice Ministry team and all of those Imani members who registered voters, did phone banking and whatever they could to participate in that aspect of our faith that calls us to be public witnesses to light. As our honored ancestor said, “If we bring the light, the people will follow.” I still believe that, even though many people have not followed. It has been reported that over 50,000 Black people in the South voted for Kanye West. There are a lot of gullible, misguided people out there. And many of our fellow Christians in the white community voted for Trump. The fact that the majority of white Americans voted for Trump is disappointing but we shall continue to pray for them, even as we continue our work. Let us keep our eyes on the prize!

 We have much work to do as we continue the journey to racial and economic equity. We must stay on the road to freedom and justice; the sacrifice of our ancestors demands it. Evelyn Hogan-Jackson’s grandfather Billy Days demands it. Cornelius Crockett and Charlie Westbrooks, Malcolm Westbrook’s ancestors demand it. Mother Fannie Lou Hamer and Mother Fannie Jeffreys demand it. All of our ancestors demand it. It is our duty to fight for our freedom! It is our duty to win! We must love and take care of each other! We have nothing to lose but our chains!

Let us be partners with our God as we fight to create a more just and inclusive world in which we will share in racial and economic equity.

 Hold on! Just got the news that Biden is at 253! In addition we have done some good work in California, passing Propositions 17, 20 and 22 went a long way in that direction. And, we are still waiting on Proposition 15 with millions of mail-in ballots yet to be counted. We’re still in the game.

 Hope is hearing the melody of the future. Faith is dancing to that melody. We’ve been dancing to that melody by doing the work, and we shall continue to dance. Let us be Imani, and keep the faith.

 Your loving pastor,


Post-Election Results

For Post Election Results go to:

Alameda County - www.acgov.org

Contra Costa County - www.cocovote.us

State of California - www.sos.ca.gov

Watch this space in coming days regarding the timeline related to the counting of all ballots, the electoral process, and the Congressional voting process leading to the January 2021 Presidential Inauguration.

Faith Votes - PICO California's Recommendations for Statewide Propositions

greetings Imani Family!

Since most of you have gotten your ballots, your Social Justice Ministry wants to offer a few pointers. If you haven't received a ballot or want to track yours, go to www.sos.ca.gov/elections/ballot-status/wheres-my-ballot.

When you have your ballot, please read up on the candidates and your state and local ballot measures.  They are all important!

You can see vital information in the flier below and in greater detail at faithvotesca.org. Check both! Other options include places like https://lwvc.org/vote/elections/ballot-recommendations and Voters' Edge.

CLICK HERE FOR PICO California's Recommendations for Statewide Propositions

2020 Voting and Registration Deadlines and Links

For Alameda and Contra Costa Counties 

  • Thursday, September 24, 2020: Alameda County Voter Information Guides mailed

  • Tuesday, September 29, 2020: State of California Voter Information (online) and mailed: https://vig.cdn.sos.ca.gov/2020/general/pdf/complete-vig.pdf

  • Monday, October 5, 2020: First Day Vote by Mail Ballots mailed to registered voters

  • Monday, October 5, 2020: Early Voting Starts for November 3, 2020 

  • Monday, October 19, 2020: Last day to register to vote using paper registration form

  • Tuesday, October 27, 2020: Last day for online voter registration

  • Tuesday, October 27, 2020: Request Mail-in Ballot deadline (7 days before the election)

  • Tuesday, November 3, 2020: In-person voting (7 am - 8 pm poll hours)

  • Friday, November 20, 2020: Mailed ballots postmarked on or before November 3 must be received by county elections offices

Social Justice Ministry contact:

Alameda County: Diana Bell @ diana.bell@comcast.net

California Secretary of State: Patty Hall @ ph.purpletraveler@gmail.com

Contra Costa County: Terri McWilliams @ terrimcwilliams@att.net

General Voting and Registration Info


Alameda County:



Contra Costa County:


State of California:



Alameda County: https://www.acgov.org/rovmvp_app/mvp.do

Contra Costa County:

State of California: www.sos.ca.gov/elections/ballot-status/wheres-my-ballot



Alameda County: https://www.acgov.org/rovapps/maps/ballotdropbox_map.htm

Contra Costa County: 


Alameda County: https://www.acvote.org/community/partnerships

Contra Costa County: 


Alameda County: https://www.acgov.org/rov_app/pollinglist

Contra Costa County: 


Alameda County: www.acvote.org

Contra Costa County: www.cocovote.us

California Secretary of State: www.sos.ca.gov

For Other Counties and States: www.allinforvoting.com

Social Justice Ministry contact:

Alameda County: Diana Bell @ diana.bell@comcast.net

California Secretary of State: Patty Hall @ ph.purpletraveler@gmail.com

Contra Costa County: Terri McWilliams @ terrimcwilliams@att.net