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Life Care and Imani Ustawi Book Discussion

The Life Enrichment and Imani Ustawi Ministries will hold additional discussions on the book What it Takes to Heal: How Transforming Ourselves Can Change the World. These virtual discussions will take place on Saturdays Nov 30th and Dec 14th, 11am to 1pm each. Please join us, even if you missed the Nov 9th discussion.

We suggest purchasing this book by Prentis Hemphill at Marcus Books or a Black-owned bookstore.

What it Takes to Heal: How Transforming Ourselves Can Change the World

This exploration by activist and former therapist Prentiss Hemphill ponders how we might effectively pursue deep, embodied transformation within so that we might be in authentic community that pursues visionary change in our world.

In the meantime, you can familiarize yourself with Hemphill and their thinking behind the book by listening to this episode of their podcast.


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Passcode: 3300


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Earlier Event: November 24
Imani's Holiday Bazaar
Later Event: December 7
End- of-Year Leadership Meeting